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Should I Hire A Dementia Specialist? By Vivian Green Korner, Certified Dementia Practitioner
As older adults are living longer, there is a greater likelihood that they will develop a form of Alzheimer’s dementia. The biggest risk...
The Fake Adult by Noreen Heffernan, Writer
Do you ever feel like a fake adult? Like, why would anyone leave you in charge to take care of people, bills, and a household? Do you...
“I Demand That You Get Me a Car!” Dealing Reasonably with an Unreasonable Teen by Fern Weis, Parent
In the age of ‘give me, buy me, get me” it’s important to be prepared for the nagging and deflection our kids are so good at. Today’s...
It’s Not Your Job to Make Sure Your Kids Are Happy by Fern Weis, Parent + Family Recovery Coach
I love Pharrell Williams’ song “Because I’m Happy”. It’s an upbeat, catchy tune, and you have to love the videos of all those people...
How to Survive After the Kids Leave for College by Fern Weis, Parent + Family Recovery Coach
Many of you are sending your kids off to college soon, and maybe for the first time. I’ve been there, twice. And now my daughter lives...
How To Prepare Your Life When You're Expecting A Child With A Disability by Emily Graham
Statistics show that about three percent of all babies in the U.S. are born with some form of physical or mental disability. It can be...
What to Expect When Your Child Comes Home from Treatment by Fern Weis, Parent Empowerment Coach + Fa
Thirty, sixty, ninety days. Clean and sober. They're in recovery, fixed, and all's right with the world, right? No, no, and no. The...
Finding The Forgotten Woman by Randi Levin, CPC, Life Transition Coach
If you are called Mommy by anyone, congratulations…you are in the “club!” With your membership you get unconditional love and a life...
What Do You Mean, You’re Going on a Trip Without an Adult by Fern Weis, Parent + Family Recovery Coa
A parent submitted the following question: How do parents make decisions on older teens through early 20s who want to go away on...
Father's Day Gift Ideas for Dads Who Are Caregivers by Vivian Green Korner, Certified Dementia P
With Father’s Day approaching here are some gift ideas for Dads who are caregivers. Thinking about the different challenges that many...
Do's and Don't While Your Child Is in Treatment by Fern Weis, Parent + Family Recovery Coach
You realize that your child (or other loved one) is drinking or drugging or both. After the shock wears off, you reach out, get...
Life From a Different Lens by Noreen Heffernan, Writer
I’m a Mom. I’m every Mom. We might not have the same circumstances, titles, roles, and lives, but we are all Moms. We all want the...
Mother’s Day Reflections by Amara Wagner, Integrative Health Coach
Being a mother is my proudest accomplishment, a tremendous source of joy in my life, and one of the things I feel I’m best at (I’ve...
It’s Exhausting To Be Who You Are Not (A Personal Story) by Fern Weis, Parent + Family Recovery Coac
I was talking to a colleague at school. I asked a question, he gave me a serious answer. This man usually jokes around a lot, so I really...
What’s the Buzz About Caregiver Fatigue by Vivian Green Korner, Certified Dementia Practitioner
With all the responsibilities confronting caregivers along with balancing work, family, social and other responsibilities, it’s not...
Mother's Day Giveaway Winner Kerribeth McKenna
Congratulations to Kerribeth McKenna! She is the proud mom of a toddler boy and new baby girl. And to Kerribeth’s surprise, her...
9 Life Lessons Learned in the “Hood” by Randi Levin, CPC, Life Transition Coach
Motherhood comes with a secret. It comes with an advanced degree in life. A Masters of Motherhood that translates on the soccer field...
Something Just Like This by Noreen Heffernan, Writer
You know when you have a bad day with your kids; everyone seems to be fighting and bickering and you kind of lose it?! Then you hear a...
Creating a Life Inventory by Gayle M. Gruenberg, CPO-CD®
It’s 9pm. The phone rings and the voice on the other end says, “There’s been an accident.” Your 75-year-old parents were driving home...
Innocent Questions are Rarely Innocent by Fern Weis, Parent + Family Recovery Coach
Have you ever asked an 'innocent question' and all hell broke loose? That's because innocent questions are rarely innocent. You think...
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