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18 Life Skills For Success by Randi Levin, CPC, Life Transition Coach
• Own today. Maximize the current moment. Pretend that you only have a battery that will last for the next 24 hours. What’s now and...
The Secret Message of Whispers by Randi Levin, CPC, Life Transition Coach
“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a...
The Power of Self-Love by Randi Levin, CPC, Life Transition Coach
The single longest relationship we will ever have is with ourselves! The longest enduring relationship, the one that we cannot divorce,...
How To Reclaim Your Bucket List by Randi Levin, CPC, Life Transition Coach
It’s that time of year again! Filled with resolutions and promises the window between an old year and a new one ushers in a multitude of...
Congratulations on Your Engagement! By Randi Levin, CPC, Life Transition Coach
I am so happy for you! Your commitment is to be applauded! What a special and unique time for you! Yet…let me clarify… This engagement...
Live Better Longer
Like many people, you’ve worked hard over the years to build your wealth for a more secure future. But have you taken time to consider...
Cooking Up Communication - My Recipe for Success by Randi Levin, CPC, Life Transition Coach
In recent weeks, I have given considerable thought to the lost art of communication. We have so many resources available to us....
If The Trees Could Talk…by Randi Levin, CPC, Life Transition Coach
Autumn is all about embracing change. Warm air to crisp air, light clothing to warmer layers, green leaves to bold bursts of kaleidoscope...
How To Use Your Curiosity to Expand The Moment! Just Ask! By Randi Levin, CPC, Life Transition Coach
As a coach, I often tell my clients that they pay me to ask them questions that they simply don’t ask themselves. It is not that we do...
The List on Managing at Life by Randi Levin, CPC, Life Transition Coach
We have all be exposed to a lot of adversity and stress from natural disasters and political turmoil that we have no control over. Just...
The Seasons of Motherhood by Randi Levin
“So much is written about the ages and stages of childhood and becoming an adult, yet we seldom flip the script to take a closer view of...
5 Ways That Our Homes Can Provide The Keys To Refreshing Our Lives
Whether hunting for a new house this spring/summer or fixing up the one you already own, our connections to the rooms that we live in are...
A Letter To All Moms by Randi Levin
To All Moms, With almost 23 years of motherhood under my belt, I have been both a teacher and a student of the process. I think that we...
Are You Hungry? Messages Learned From The Plate of Life by Randi Levin
Let’s face it…food is a common denominator amongst us! We all eat. We all choose what goes on our plates. Not just once in a while, or...
Committing To Legacy by Randi Levin
Bittersweet. This week, I need to commit to my own legacy in the deepest and most spiritual way. It is a year since my mom passed away...
Mental Rainbows by Randi Levin
Today is a great day and yet, we all know that not every day is spectacular. Some are more terrific than others, and some more...
Lessons From The New Face of Fear by Randi Levin
Control. That is what fear is all about. No matter what the fear…the potential loss of control that we may encounter if we face that fear...
The Good Habits Guide To Taking Back Your Time by Randi Levin
Habits. We all have them. Some of them work for us and some of them just simply get in our way. To make the good ones stick and to pivot...
Jot. Journal. Joy. By Randi Levin
Restart your journey. Record your thoughts. Close the book. Your power is inside you. Since 10th Century Japan and right through our...
O.K. Fine and Other Words to Live By by Randi Levin
Sometimes, the most insignificant grouping of words can hold the most significant meaning. Years ago when I was a manager at Macy’s...
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