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Eating Disorders in Children By Julie Brower
This week is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. Eating disorders are so common in America that 1 or 2 out of every 100 students...
Get Things Done: Time Management Tool for Teens by Julie Brower
“What are my teachers thinking? My math homework, science test, history paper AND Spanish project are all due in the same week! There...
Last Minute Mid-Term Madness & SAT Survival Tool by Julie Brower
Are the pressures of back-to-back mid-term tests and standardized college entrance exams sending your confident teen into a complete...
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall…I Look In The Mirror and I Only See Flaws by Julie Brower
Mother-Daughter Self-Love Tool of The Week: Mirror, Mirror On The Wall Almost every teen girl (and woman) thinks there is something about...
Where Does Your Daughter's Body Issue Come From? by Julie Brower
It's not the Victoria Secrets super models or the skinny, out-of-proportion Barbie dolls, or even peer pressure that is the #1 cause of...
THINK Before You Speak by Julie Brower
With all the anti-bullying campaigns and movements, there’s still no shortage of bullying reported almost daily on the evening news,...
Surviving the Tween Years by Julie Brower
Parents, have you ever had days when you wonder if your "sweet little daughter", the one who was so proud to drag you by the hand into...
Signs Your Daughter is Definitely Not A Morning Person by Julie Brower
The alarm goes off and the morning “wake-up war” begins: you knock on your daughter’s bedroom door to wake her, then have to go back a...
“How Was School Today?” (Decoded) by Julie Brower
Remember when your parents forced you to go to this place called “school” for 7+ hours a day? Let's go back in time... you have to ask...
Beyond The Perfect Back-To-School Outfit by Julie Brower
Your teen is ready. She has all the most stylish Back-to-School supplies (and if you’re like most parents, you learned some lessons that...
Varsity Athlete and Honor Roll Student Turned Heroin Addict by Julie Brower
How does a “good kid,” with “good parents,” who “has it all,” become a 17-year old heroin addict, shooting up in between classes and...
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