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Daily Gratitude and Our Relationship To Our Environment by Laurence Carr, Interior Design

Daily Gratitude and Our Relationship To Our Environment by Laurence Carr, Interior Design, Bergen County Moms

Thanksgiving is the time of year when we take stock of the things we are thankful for. Though we try to live with a sense of gratitude every day, this is the season when we collectively take stock of the amazing things in our lives. I am grateful for my clients, my followers, my creativity, and my ability to positively contribute to the world’s energy by providing clients with environments that ultimately make them incredibly happy.

This is just a snippet of my gratitude list—the things I thank the Universe for every day. This practice of gratitude is something that I cherish. One that brings with it a sense of calm and a sense of purpose. In this, I remind myself why I do the work I do, why it’s worth pushing through challenges, and that I have true value as a spirit on this Earth.

Gratitude is a powerful thing. I would argue it is one of the most powerful tools we have in our spiritual and emotional toolbox. When we show gratitude, we draw positivity, we exude happiness, and with that, we contribute glistening, light-filled energy to the world’s collective consciousness.

As we have worked together to achieve alignment in our homes, building a replenishing environment, you have undoubtedly experienced profound changes. Now, as the holiday season approaches, looking at all you have achieved through the lens of gratitude will take your home’s overall energy to yet another marvelous place.

Gratitude is pure. Gratitude is unwavering. Gratitude is enriching.

Gratitude is a blessing.

Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving!

Laurence Carr | Laurence Carr Design, Bergen County Moms
Laurence Carr | Laurence Carr Design

Laurence Carr is founder & CEO of Laurence Carr Design, an award winning interior design firm in New York City providing full service and e-design services to clients. She creates exquisite holistic interiors that promote mindful living and harmony, while attaining a level of sophistication through layering modern art, furniture, antiques and accents. Born in France, Laurence has 20 years experience in design, the performing arts, and fashion. She has been nationally published and is a frequent speaker and panelist in major industry related events.


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