Nothing is better than spending a lovely day with your canine friend and then stopping off at a fabulous restaurant. How do you train your dog to be the perfect dining guest?
It starts right from the beginning with good table manners. Of course you never feed your dog from the table, right?
The next step is to teach the basics including sit, down, stay, etc. so that you’ve developed the teamwork and respect necessary to have your dog want to please you with good behavior. And we all know that a tired dog is a happy dog, so make sure you give fido lots of exercise before expecting him to behave like a gentleman.
Finally, just like with kids, it never hurts to bring a few things to keep them busy and occupied such as a kong or bully stick to munch on. Make sure you ask for a behavior instead of just giving it to them. They’ll love and respect you for it!

Dorice Stancher, MBA, CPDT-KA Certified Pet Dog Trainer (CPDT), Consultant for Pet Therapy, Writer for AKC Family Dog and Gazette, Owner of Canines Can Do. Dorice has trained dogs since childhood and her dogs have received many national and international awards. She was mentored by master trainer, Bill Delaney and continues to study with international competitors and renowned trainers Betsy Scapicchio and Diane Goodspeed. She is a certified evaluator for the AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) program and an evaluator for the Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs. She was elected into the International Honor Society for Teaching, and participates in AKC and CKC performance events.