Autumn is all about embracing change. Warm air to crisp air, light clothing to warmer layers, green leaves to bold bursts of kaleidoscope colors and of course, less daylight to more darkness. Nature bends to the rhythm of the season, allowing the leaves to modify their colors, the frost to glisten in the morning dew, and the squirrels to gather their nuts. These adjustments in our outside world provide us with inspiration and introspection. They make us think about our own possibilities for change this October.
If the trees could talk what would they tell us?
Let Go:
Letting go helps us to grow and experience newness. What would happen if the trees refused to let go of their leaves? The leaves would die anyway, and the trees would have a tough time surviving the winter if they could not conserve water and energy. By letting go of their leaves, the trees not only continue to thrive, but to experience rebirth with new leaves in the spring. Ask yourself, what am I holding onto? Just like the trees, people need to let go of one thing in order to experience another. We cannot reach for anything new in our lives if our hands are already full. Where in your life are you holding onto anger, a grudge, a fear or a stagnant relationship?
Accept The Process of Change:
Not only do the leaves become more prominent as they turn color, they eventually leave the safety of the trees and the trees are left alone. It is the ultimate break up! After a long relationship together, the leaves and the trees part ways; each has changed. What they need from each other has shifted as well. The trees have to go it alone for the winter, but nature rewards them for their courage with new, fresh leaves and endless possibilities in the spring. The trees are patient with this process. As people, we need to celebrate change and to trust in the process of modification. Everyday, we are evolving and changing in some way, just as the world around us is. Embracing the steps involved toward the process of change itself actually propels us closer to our goals.
Experience the Beauty:
The vibrancy and fluidity of the fall foliage is breathtaking. Even as the leaves fall and die, they reward us with a million photo ops and a spectacular blast of jewel-like colors. The naked branches left behind in the winter months provide a resting spot for blankets of snow and icicles, creating a wintery white beauty all its own. Are you participating in and enjoying the beauty in all the seasons of your life?
Don’t stand in the forest and miss the trees! Nature’s message is quite clear. Will you surrender to it? No matter what mountain you may be climbing, stop and live in the moment you are in. Take it in. Pause. Don’t miss it. Every moment is a unique experience!
Randi Levin CPC, founder & CEO, Randi Levin Coaching—is a nationally recognized transitional life strategist, author, speaker, and reinvention expert. Her core belief is that we have the choice and the power to carve out and curate our own legacy based on embracing our ongoing evolution. At the age of 22, women make sweeping life-long decisions that no longer align with a 40, 50, or 65-year-old version of who they are. Utilizing a “what’s next mindset,” Randi applies her Signature GPS Coaching System incorporating growth, purpose, and success steps to support her clients in pivoting and refreshing their lives, empowering them to be the best reflection of who they are today. She is a contributor and featured expert for ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, HuffPost, Thrive Global, DivorceForce, Three Tomatoes, Women for One, and a variety of national publications and podcasts. Her workshops have been featured in The Wall Street Journal and she is a contributing author in the anthology series Get RESULTS!