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Inhale to Exhale by Randi Levin, Transitional Life Strategist

Inhale to Exhale by Randi Levin, Ridgewood Moms

Simple right? Of course we will inhale and exhale…our bodies do that automatically! Our minds however do not! When we are mindful of what we take in we become mindful of what we let out. Inhaling carries oxygen into our bodies, providing us with the air we need to survive and to thrive. It is rich and invigorating. Our breath in is filled with life, hope, possibility and renewal. When we breathe out, not only do we create a natural rhythm and balance within our bodies, but we also release the unwanted from them. Our outward breaths let go of our toxins and our unwanted energy.

So how can we use the ebb and flow of our own breath to choose our own happiness? If we focus on the concept that we let in and we let out every moment…the opportunity for creating our own energy in any given moment shifts right back to us. Having a bad morning? What do you want to envision that you are letting go of? What do you want to take back into your “being” to enrich and nurture yourself? Grab the visual. Return to it every time you need a quick reminder in creating space for what you love and want.

As we turn the corner on 2019…what do you want to exhale? Where can you get rid of what has not worked for you and carve out space and mindset for possibilities? Conversely, what do you want to make sure that you inhale TODAY and every day for the remainder of the year that will fill you with promise and abundance and renewal?

Let’s test your mindset…

Take a deep breath in, then another. Listen for your breath, feel your lungs expanding, picture the power that the air you are breathing in commands. Count out your breaths for 30 seconds…IN and out. Picture that every breath in brings with it a mini renewal. What do you want every breath to represent? Write down what you are letting in with the count of your breath in those 30 seconds. Make a list of what you want to bring forward and into your life for the remainder of the year.

Now, reverse it. Blow your breaths out with intention. Listen for your exhale; feeling your body let go of each breath. Measure this for 30 seconds, counting out each breathe…letting go of the clutter of your life with every exhale. In and OUT…picturing calm, freedom, clarity with every push out. Now, write down what you have let out in that 30 seconds. Include on your list all that you want to let go of as we roll to the end of 2019.

Circle the top 3 things on each list. Every time you feel overwhelmed and stuck between now and January, return to your list. Use it to remind you that you have the ultimate power and control to inhale what you most want and exhale what you do not. Tweak your list as needed and use the momentum and flow of your breath as a barometer for change.

Oh…holding your breath…not an option! When you hold your breath, you deny your body what it needs and then nothing happens. Make something happen. Today. Begin. Count out those breaths and use them to steady and ground you!

Randi Levin, CPC, CEO & Founder Randi Levin Coaching, Bergen County Moms
Randi Levin | Transitional Life Strategist

Randi Levin CPC, founder & CEO, Randi Levin Coaching – is a nationally recognized transitional life strategist, Fortune 500 keynote, author, and reinvention expert. Randi supports women in becoming legends in their own lives! Female founders, emerging entrepreneurs, and women in transition hire her as a legacy catalyst to manage and lead change. She supports her clients and audiences in redefining success and realigning and redefining legacy as power tools for choice and renewal, moving them from wanting next chapters to pivoting and living them today! She is a relatable resource and an action-oriented coach and speaker building upon her 15+ years in Corporate America, her tenure as a stay-at-home super mom, and her successful reinvent as an entrepreneur and sought-after strategist. Randi Levin is a featured expert on national stages and in top media outlets and podcasts. You may have seen her interviewed or quoted in Thrive Global, HuffPost, Reader’s Digest, American Express OPEN Forum, Working Mother Magazine, MSN, FairyGodBoss, Swaay, Yahoo, or Covey Club. Her workshops have been featured in The Wall Street Journal and Randi is the creator of The Personal Success Accelerator System and a contributing author in the anthology series Get RESULTS!


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