I honor all of you with 4 “love letters” for your continued success. We each measure and manifest success in different ways. The definition may be different, but the process is the same. From my heart to yours…
L: Longest Love Affair
The longest love affair that you will have in your lifetime will not be with your spouse, or your parent, or your daughter, or your best friend. The longest love affair you will ever have will be with yourself! To make sure that you are honoring YOU each and every day begin a daily practice of asking yourself the following:
How am I being good and kind and grateful to and for myself today?
Make sure that the answer to that question is an actual action step. If you have not already done something good, and kind and thankful for yourself in the past 24 hours, how can you implement it right now? The answer and action steps that follow will allow you to pause in the busy of your day and productively honor yourself.
O: Own the moment
Today is the day! Use it or lose it! This moment, right now…while you are reading this…is a gift! How will you brilliantly use this gift of today? Today is where your choices, decisions, control and power reside. If you want to transform your life, or “be happy” or “balanced” this is the moment to flex your success muscle and use your energy and your mind to affect the life you most want. Have items on your bucket list or goals that you set for 2018? Today is where you can set those in motion.
What is now and what is next?
Define it and take one small step toward it …not tomorrow…but TODAY.
V: Voice
Learn to love the sound of your own voice and to celebrate the success that echoes in your answers. Ask yourself important questions. Ask yourself the same questions that you ask of your friends and mentors. If you are unsure as to next steps, or stuck on what to do then literally stand in front of the mirror and ask yourself out loud the questions that you have. Then answer those questions with the same thoughts and wisdom that you would extend to your friend or co-worker.
What would you tell someone else to do?
We take action on our own intuition and our own solutions with so much more gusto then we do if we are simply following the directions of others. Seek what you need from the inside out. Honestly, that is one of the reasons that coaching sessions work. I ask deep and kick-*ss questions, yet your solutions are your own.
E: Evolution
My own personal compass is legacy. That is why I reference it all the time. Not the legacy that we leave behind when we are gone, rather the one that allows us to direct today. Legacy is a mindset. Legacy is a muscle that when flexed allows you to evolve and transform under your own direction. Legacy brought into the current moment forms the foundation of your own ongoing evolution. The choices and decisions that you make now drive that evolution and determine your success!
Are you ready to love? Are you ready to manifest your own success?

Randi Levin, CPC, founder & CEO, Randi Levin Coaching – is a nationally recognized transitional life strategist, Fortune 500 keynote, author, and reinvention expert. Randi Levin Coaching supports women in becoming legends in their own lives! Legacy is a mindset and a muscle that when flexed can become a power tool for change and redirection in the current moment. Randi is a catalyst toward a shift in perspectives in regard to fear, growth, purpose and overall success—all key elements of her Signature GPS Coaching System. Randi Levin Coaching is widely quoted and featured in top media outlets. She is a featured expert for Thrive Global, DivorceForce, The Three Tomatoes, Women for One, and Better After 50. Her workshops have been featured in The Wall Street Journal and you may have seen her in HuffPost, Reader’s Digest, Business Insider, American Express OPEN Forum, and Working Mother Magazine. She is regularly a guest on top podcasts and radio shows. Randi is a contributing author in the anthology series Get RESULTS!