Dreaming of that relaxing spa appointment? Looking forward to unwinding and being Zen for a bit? What would you do if you could check into a spa every day for one hour, maybe even for FREE?
Game changer right?
There are multiple ways to get the same results that a spa visit offers without the spa. Alternative paths to the spa experience are available in your everyday life. While I am a big supporter of the actual spa experience, indulging everyday would not be something any of us could finance or support. Even if we could, too much of a good thing wears it out! We go to a spa to get out of our own heads, to make time to relax and to prioritize and pamper ourselves. The good news is that we do not need the actual spa appointment to do any of these things. The only appointment we need is a 60-minute meeting we schedule with ourselves. This is your spa time project!
Some of you are saying “Impossible, I don’t have an hour every day to concentrate on me. At least not one where I am not sleeping! I cannot make this type of commitment.” My question to you is how can you not? Here is what this investment of time actually represents.
If you indulge just one hour a day, every day in YOU, that adds up to 365 hours per year. This translates to just over two weeks time. In an entire year, just two weeks…focused on YOU. Looking at it from that perspective, you can see that for 50 weeks of the year, your attention is on family and work and other things. Not a substantial commitment to self when broken down in that light. We truly need to make this investment in ourselves or risk burn out.
So now…are you ready for your daily spa appointment? There are different kinds of dates with yourself that you can pursue. Here are twenty suggestions for your individual hour-all-about-you. Some are absolutely free…others an investment in your personal growth.
Observe other people/daydream/take in the human experience
Exercise your body/exercise your mind
Journal or write a blog or a book
Plan a trip
Bond with nature…take that walk, garden, go outside and wander
Indulge in memories: old photos, scrapbook, call a friend
Go out to eat…breakfast or brunch is very “spa-like”
Shop just for you
Try something new—hobby time
Finish something you started
Take a nap
Take a class on line
Make a play date for yourself not your kids—find the time for your friends
Play…be curious, use your mind, do a puzzle, play a game
Be really quiet, listen and pause
Learn to play an instrument or to dance or to sing or to act
Hire a coach to navigate what is next—a spa investment for your mind
Randi Levin, CPC, founder & CEO, Randi Levin Coaching – is a nationally recognized transitional life strategist, Fortune 500 keynote, author, and reinvention expert. Randi Levin Coaching supports women in becoming legends in their own lives! Legacy is a mindset and a muscle that when flexed can become a power tool for change and redirection in the current moment. Randi is a catalyst toward a shift in perspectives in regard to fear, growth, purpose and overall success—all key elements of her Signature GPS Coaching System. Randi Levin Coaching is widely quoted and featured in top media outlets. She is a featured expert for Thrive Global, DivorceForce, The Three Tomatoes, Women for One, and Better After 50. Her workshops have been featured in The Wall Street Journal and you may have seen her in HuffPost, Reader’s Digest, Business Insider, American Express OPEN Forum, and Working Mother Magazine. She is regularly a guest on top podcasts and radio shows. Randi is a contributing author in the anthology series Get RESULTS!