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What You Need to Know About Ticks this Season

Updated: Jan 14, 2019

What You Need to Know About Ticks this Season by Mosquito Joe, Ridgewood Moms

The topic of ticks has been all over the news in New Jersey the past few weeks. If you do not have time to watch the news, just google it and you will find tons of news stories. The NJ patch published this article a few weeks ago which talks about a new disease transmitted from ticks called Powassan (POW).

The Centers for Disease Control is predicting this summer to be the worst tick season on record due to the mild winter we experienced. In addition to the population, the new diseased called Powassan, a potentially fatal viral disease transmitted by ticks is on a rise. The same tick that carries Lyme disease has caused Powassan, also known as POW. It is a virus infection that can impact the nervous system, memory, thinking and balance.

New York has had 16 cases, the second highest amount in the country. Other states that have reported cases are Minnesota, 20; Wisconsin, 15; Massachusetts, 8; New Jersey, 5; Maine, 2; New Hampshire, 1; Pennsylvania, 1; and Virginia 1. Symptoms of POW include fever, headache, vomiting, weakness, confusion, seizures, and memory loss.

Reducing exposure to ticks is the best protection against POW, Lyme disease and other tickborne infections. There are several ways you can prevent ticks including avoiding wooded areas with high grass and using a repellent that contains 20 percent or more DEET. We also recommend showering yourself and your children as soon you come home from being in wooded areas to wash off and easily find ticks on your body.

It is important to check the following areas on your body for ticks:

  1. In and around the ears

  2. Inside belly button

  3. Back of the knees

  4. In and around the hair

  5. Between the legs

  6. Around the waist

  7. Under the arms

We wish you a happy and safe summer!


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